APRIL 2016


PLWA 2016 Annual Meeting –

Meet your new board members

PLWA 2016 Officers and Directors
2016 PLWA Board (left to right): Colter Pearson, Ray Pearson (Treas.), Dennis Grundman, Glenn Elison, Dale Spartas (Vice Pres.), J. W. Westman (Sec.), John Gibson (Pres.), Lou Goosey and Tony Schoonen..


April 2, 2016, PLWA held its annual meeting in Bozeman. Elections were held and we would like to introduce you to your 9 new officers and board members (line up above). These dedicated men are passionate about public lands and waters, even spending this beautiful Saturday afternoon indoors for the annual meeting!

Outdoor Life Open Country Award
PLWA was the recipient of Outdoor Life’s Open Country, 2015 Non-Profit Award. Tony Schoonen (right) received the Outdoor Life Open Country Award on PLWA’s behalf.

Sportsmen Contribute
PLWA was also presented with generous and much appreciated contribution checks by the Snowy Mountain Trout Unlimited (Mike Getman), Montana Trout Unlimited (Bruce Farling), Central Montana Chapter of Pheasants Forever (Craig Roberts) and the Skyline Sportsmen Association (Tony Schoonen). Thank you to these awesome Montana sportsmens organizations that value protecting and fighting for access to our public lands and waters.

Guest Speakers were Bruce Farling of Montana Trout Unlimited and Dave Chadwick of Montana Wildlife Federation.

PLWA attorney Devlan Geddes gave an update on the Seyler Lane Bridge hearing (details coming soon). The case has been fully presented to the court, now awaiting the judge’s decision on how wide the right of way is.

PLWA recognized Joe Perry and Tim Crawford, recipients of Governor Steve Bullock’s 2016 Good Neighbor Award winners. Both of these gentlemen are PLWA members and public access advocates.

PLWA would like to thank those members who attended the 2016 Annual meeting. And thank you to Ron Moody for supplying the photos. Hope to see more of you there next year.