Elk Meadows Road (FS Road #451), Missoula County, Montana
Elk Meadows Road Summary
In February 2021, it was brought to our attention that “no trespassing” signs and a poorly maintained fence were placed next to a public bridge over Lolo Creek on Forest Service Road #451 (Elk Meadows Road). The USFS Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) and FWP Region 2 Warden were contacted. It was confirmed that the bridge includes a public easement for legal access to Lolo Creek. Both agencies claimed they were working with the landowner to get the signage removed.
In March 2022, PLWA reached back out to the Lolo National Forest Supervisor’s Office. They admitted to receiving numerous complaints about the Elk Meadows Bridge and the Patrol Captain made a site visit where they agreed that public access was being blocked or discouraged.
Discussions were had with the property caretaker and they agreed to add signage and construct an entrance that would reasonably draw attention the the public for access to Lolo Creek. In June 2022, the new LEO performed another site visit and the situation appeared to be the same. PLWA is following the situation closely and keeping up communications with the Lolo National Forest office for updates.
UPDATE: January 2023
Representatives of the Forest Service and Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks met with the Manager of the OZ Ranch on December 14th, 2021. One (unauthorized) sign stating: “Private Property—No Hunting, Fishing, Trespassing” was removed from within the 60’ (Public) Right-of-Way Easement, which is held by the United States of America. Similar signs (affixed to the fence and/or gate(s)) located in proximity to the Elk Meadows Road and the Lolo Creek bridge crossing were found to be outside of the public Right-of-Way Easement.
All parties appeared receptive to further discussions on improving physical access to Lolo Creek as part of the upcoming bridge replacement, which is tentatively scheduled summer 2023 and into the following year.
UPDATE: December 2022
PLWA has continued to inquire about updates regarding the misleading signage at the Elk Meadows Road Bridge. The FS obtained the recorded ROW deed and plat indicating a 60-foot wide easement. Local FS authorities are scheduled to meet with the property owner/caretaker this month in hopes of reaching a resolution.